Question Type: Matching

A matching question contains a list of prompts and a list of choices. A prompt is usually paired with one choice. Sometimes researchers may allow one prompt to be paired with multiple choices, or multiple prompts to be paired with the same choice.

  1. Click on the + New Question link.
  2. Choose Matching. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your question type from the side menu to the desired position.
    1. Enter your question title.
    2. Enter your prompts. Add more prompts as needed.
    3. Enter your possible choices. Add more possible choices as needed.
    4. Check or uncheck the Allow multiple prompts per choice checkbox.
    5. Check or uncheck the Allow multiple choices per prompt checkbox.
    6. Check or uncheck the Require an answer to this question checkbox. When checked, an answer is required for the question.

    Matching Question Type

    Matching Question

  3. Click on the Save button, or the Save + Add button to add a new question.


See also:
Question Types: Grid - Multiple Choice and Grid – Dropdown
How to Create a Ranking Question.

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