How to Apply Text Styles

Text styles such as bold, underline, italic, text color or background color can be applied to eligible survey elements. Some small mobile browsers may not support the toolbar feature. For the best experience, use a desktop or laptop computer.

To apply text styles:

  1. Click on a survey title, a page title, a question title, a choice, a row, a column, or a message (under "Buttons & Messages"). A toolbar with style icons will appear if the element is eligible. Some icons are hidden by default, and will appear after you click on the
    icon in the toolbar. Some elements may only come with a subset of the full icon list.

    Advanced Editor

  2. Click on an icon in the toolbar to apply formatting:
    • Click on
      to make text bold, or remove bold formatting.
    • Click on
      to make text italic, or remove italic formatting.
    • Click on
      to make text underlined, or remove underlined formatting.
    • Click on
      to apply strikethrough to the text, or remove strikethrough formatting.
    • Click on
      , a color palette will appear under the toolbar. Click on a color icon or pick a color to apply text color.
    • Click on
      with yellow background, a color palette will appear under the toolbar. Click on a color icon or pick a color to apply background color.
    • Click on
      to apply or remove the ordered list style to the paragraph.
    • Click on
      to apply or remove the unordered list style to the paragraph.
    • Click on
      to make the text larger.
    • Click on
      to make the text smaller.
    • Click on
      to left align the paragraph.
    • Click on
      to center align the paragraph.
    • Click on
      to right align the paragraph.
    • Click on
      to insert a link.
    • Click on
      to insert an image.
    • Click on
      to insert, or "pipe", answer text from a previous question.
    • Click on
      to remove all the formatting.

New colors picked from the color picker are stored to a color list, and thus available within the browser session.

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