How to Change Survey Title, Add Logo, and Change Page Title

You can easily customize your survey title or page title.

Change survey title

  1. On the Dashboard page, click on the Edit link for an existing survey.
  2. Click on the survey title.
  3. Enter or change the survey title.
  4. Select Left Aligned or Center Aligned.
  5. Click on the Save button.

Add logo

  1. On the Dashboard page, click on the Edit link for an existing survey.
  2. Click on the + Logo link, then check the Display Logo checkbox.
  3. Choose your logo position and your logo alignment if it is different from the title alignment.
  4. Upload your logo or pick from your image library, or enter the URL of an image on the web.
  5. Move the slider to resize the image as needed.
  6. Click on the Save button.

Add Survey Logo

Change page title

  1. On the Dashboard page, click on the Edit link for an existing survey.
  2. Click on the + Page Title link.
  3. Enter or change the page title and/or the page description as needed.
  4. Select Left Aligned or Center Aligned.
  5. Click on the Save button.


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